We handle the setup of necessary infrastructure to start new life in Indonesia not only the trouble management after observation and move-in but the arrangement of internet connection, water purifier and maid service, etc.
And after transferring to Indonesia, we will warmly correspond to the various questions/consultations arising from expats and family members in daily life such as “Would like to go to good Indonesian restaurants nearby”, “Would like to have some lessons/learnings for children”

You may worry such kinds of issues to start new life in Indonesia.

There are so many properties, it is hard to narrow down

Worries about the construction failure after move-in.

Contract is different from that of Japan. I am getting worried.

It is first time for us to live in Indonesia. What and how should we prepare after we arrive at Indonesia?

I would like to accompany my family to Indonesia. However I am worrying they could spend comfortable life in Indonesia without any troubles.

Making use of our extensive experience to take care Japanese expats , we provide customers comprehensive support to start new life in Indonesia

Building Location


Jakarta city


ジャカルタから東に約60㎞の地点に位置し、近隣には日系の工業団地が多く所在するエリア。 近年、高速道路の渋滞がますます悪化する中で、 日本人向けのホテル・アパートメント、飲食店等の開業が相次ぎ、工業団地に勤務する日本人のベッドタウンとなっていることから日本人にとってとても住みやすいエリアです。 2019年4月には、待望の日本人学校(小中学部)が開校し、数年後にはイオンモールの建設が予定されているなど、 今後、日本人の生活環境のさらなる整備が期待されています。


